Vice Chair Introduction: Blanchard Kenfack


Hello delegates! My name is Blanchard Kenfack and I'm super excited to be one of your Vice Chairs during BMUN 70 for the Commission on Science and Technology for Development. I'm a junior studying Business and Data Science, and this is my second year as a member of BMUN.

I first started participating in MUN when I was in my second year of high school, and BMUN was one of my favorite conferences to attend, so when I started school at UC Berkeley I knew that I had to join Berkeley Model UN! Besides MUN, I also enjoy watching the NBA, hiking, reading fiction, Dungeons & Dragons, and reading manga.

I'm most looking forward to seeing your creative and well thought out solutions as well as seeing how you all collaborate and compromise to create comprehensive resolutions! I truly do believe that this committee's topics are ones that are relevant and important to our world, and that everyone can engage with them, regardless of background. Good luck, and I can't wait
to see you all come March!


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